Breaking Up the British State: Scotland, Independence and Socialism - BOOK LAUNCH

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April 28, 2021 at 7:30pm - 9pm


Online event - Zoom
Dundee, Scotland
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SWP North East


Kyle Rourke

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  • Kyle Rourke Kyle is attending

Breaking Up the British State: Scotland, Independence and Socialism - BOOK LAUNCH

Hosted by Socialist Workers Party - North East Branch
NE of Scotland meeting covering  Aberdeen, Elgin & Dundee
Zoom details:
ID: 894 2628 7708
Passcode: 967537
A public online launch with the book's authors speaking about their chapters:
Bob Fotheringham - A History of the independence movement & beyond nationalism.
Julie Sherry -The decline of the Labour Party in Scotland.
Charlie Mackinnon - The making of the Scottish working class 1787-1850.
THE STRUGGLE for independence in Scotland raises profound questions about the nature and the future of the British state.
This new collection of essays retraces the key events in Scottish history from a Marxist perspective and examines the contradictions of the Scottish National Party, which wants independence but only on the most cautious basis, in order to defend the interests of Scottish capitalism and its place in the world.
It argues that the movement for independence is rooted in a rejection of neoliberalism, imperialism and racism and that, without the prospect of radical, progressive change, independence will be an empty shell.
You can pre-order your copy from
Showing 3 reactions
  • Kyle Rourke
    rsvped 2021-04-17 15:08:45 +0100
  • Gordon Leggate
    is hosting. 2021-04-15 17:53:37 +0100
  • Gordon Leggate
    published this page in Events 2021-04-15 17:53:37 +0100