The Revolutionary Politics of James Connolly
See you there
WhenNovember 09, 2022 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
The Quaker Meeting House
The Quaker Meeting House 7 Victoria Terrace (above Victoria St) Edinburgh EH1 2JL
Edinburgh EH1 2JL
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
John Lucey
The Revolutionary Politics of James Connolly
The legacy of James Connolly has been appropriated and sanitised by every political tradition including the Irish state to such an extent that his historical role has often been obscured.
Yet, James Connolly was Ireland’s pre-eminent revolutionary and a key figure in the 1916 uprising and was executed by the British state for his role in that uprising.
In this meeting Colm Bryce (Glasgow SWP) will look at Connolly's real politics, which were steeped in the Marxist tradition, and the importance of his legacy for socialists today.
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John Lucey is hosting. 2022-11-07 15:16:08 +0000